2024 Editorial Calendar

Our editorial philosophy is focused on helping industry professionals do their jobs more effectively, efficiently and profitably by providing a balance of business-and technical-related content.

*Editorial Calendar is tentative and subject to change.



Our theme for this issue is BELIEVE, because we know the limb loss and limb difference has strength and confidence. Our members know their own capabilities, and they know what it takes to reach their potential.

Ad Space date: 11/17/23
Materials deadline: 11/28/23
Ships: 1/3/24



Our theme for this issue is INSPIRE, and that is a two-way street. Members of our community are a source of great inspiration for each other and for society as a whole. And they can also derive the inspiration they need from other members of our community.

Ad Space date: 1/15/24
Materials deadline: 1/16/24
Ships: 3/4/24



Our theme for this issue is ENCOURAGE, because everyone can use a little boost every once in a while. Members of the limb loss and limb difference community are self-reliant, but they don’t have to go it alone. Hearing from others, especially when they provide positive feedback, helps everyone get things done.

Ad Space date: 3/1/24
Materials deadline: 3/5/24
Ships: 4/19/24



Our theme for this issue is IMAGINE. No matter where you are in your limb loss and limb difference journey, you always want to go a little further. All it takes is imagination. You have to understand what your goal is before you can reach for it and obtain it.

Ad Space date: 5/3/24
Materials deadline: 5/7/24
Ships: 6/21/24


Theme: REACH

Our theme for this issue is REACH, because reaching keeps you from standing in one place. People with limb loss and limb difference know what it is to be out of your comfort zone. And sometimes you have to reach beyond that comfort zone to expand your horizons.

Ad Space date: 8/2/24
Materials deadline: 8/13/24
Ships: 9/30/24


Theme: DARE

Our theme for this issue is DARE, because no one said this would be easy. Sometimes the next step is a daunting one, but members of the limb loss and limb difference community don’t let that hold them back. They dare themselves and each other to go for it.

Ad Space date: 9/13/24
Materials deadline: 9/17/24
Ships: 10/31/24