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Sustainable Maritime
The topic refers to both sustainable ships and ports as well as every other maritime sector related.
Substation Resiliency
Grid resilience framework and metrics have been of industry focus as extreme weather events are occurring more frequently and the threat of man-made physical and cyber security grows. Substations are critical components to the overall grid. Substation Resiliency will look at resiliency framework and metrics for substations and how they impact overall grid resiliency.
Electrical Vehicle Chargers
The impact of Electric Vehicle Chargers on electric demand and distribution systems. Also, the need for demand management systems for these devic
Physics-informed Machine Learning in Power Systems
This topic involves synergistically combining the physical laws with the machine learning algorithms to develop interpretable machine learning algorithms with great generalization capability.
Determination of the useful life of fiber optic aerial cables
Development of predictive tools and repeatable tests to characterize end of life of aerial fiber cables.
The use of aerial fiber optic cables as sensors to measure temperature and strain – A survey of novel and latest technology developments and applications.”
Reduce wildfire risks due to transmission and distribution lines
Wildfire has emerged as a significant risk to society in many places throughout the world. The increased risk is fueled by climate change and its associated elevation of drought and extreme weather. While most ignitions are caused by humans, electric power line ignitions are also contributing factors to the growing problem. Today, advanced power system protection technologies are being developed to help mitigate and reduce the risk of power line wildfire ignitions. Significant efforts are going on in the industry to develop, test, and deploy new protection schemes. The Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee of the Power and Energy Society (PES) has working group D45 preparing a technical report to document methods to reduce wildfire risks due to transmission and distribution lines.
Secure Communications for OT
Secure Communications for OT, it could then include the 1711 work from S2 & S4, IPSec from S3, TLS from S14, and 61850/62351 from S15, P19 work on UUDEX
Applying big data and analytics for power systems
Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) in transmission systems, cloud computing, data-driven modeling, monitoring and control. In particular, a couple of technical reports on the Applications of Big Data Analytics for Transmission System DSA had been prepared by one of AMPS Subcommitee Task Forces.
Offshore Wind Integration: Technologies, Challenges and Utility Best Practices
The offshore wind sector is growing at a rapid pace not only in US but around the world. In 2021, Biden administration announced a target of 30GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030. Several offshore wind projects are already in operation on the East coast of US and many more are in the planning and design stages. New technologies in offshore wind generation area are being developed and deployed and the challenges of integrating offshore wind into the electric utility system are being addresses across utilities in US and worldwide. It is important to share the best practices and policies adopted by utilities around the world for successful offshore wind integration.”
PES Switchgear Committee has a new WG and document C37.100.8, “Guide For Methodologies to Demonstrate the Expected Life of Lubricants Used in Switching Devices.
It was identified that there was not IEEE standard about how the expected life of lubricants used in switchgear equipment was established and that there is a need to standardize the expected life information for planning and to provide methodologies that may be used to establish the expected life of lubricants.”
Energy Equity and Resilience
Energy Equity and Resilience
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in next generation power systems
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is becoming an increasingly important consideration in how we build, operate, and control power systems. This trending topic will explore DEI efforts related to power systems with a specific focus on the role DEI could/should play when we leverage smart buildings, loads, and customer systems in power systems operations. Topics include inequitable access to customer-side smart grid technologies, demand-side management programs, distributed energy resource programs, etc. and how this leads to inequitable participation and inequitable access to opportunities, benefits, and value streams.