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Reach 100% of the recreation and park industry in Florida.
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FRPA is the second-largest park and recreation association in the nation.
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To learn more about how to reach FRPA members, contact your Naylor account executive today.

About Us:

The Florida Recreation and Park Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, preserving, and advocating the Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Services profession. Originally organized in 1942 and incorporated in 1983, the Association is directed by a volunteer Board of Directors and an Executive Office based in Tallahassee. By providing education, professional certification, networking, legislative representation, and leadership opportunities to Parks and Recreation professionals, FRPA has become a leading association recognized by Florida Trend Magazine as a Top-Ranked Association.

Our Members:

Our members are professionals working for federal, state, and local parks, recreation, and leisure service agencies; local recreation and park advisory board members serving in local communities; faculty and students at colleges and universities; therapeutic recreation specialists and activity coordinators working in recreation settings; and suppliers of recreation and park products and services.

Industry Outlook:

  • FRPA members represent over 1,500 key decision-makers across Florida. 
  • The Florida park and recreation industry generates roughly $10.1 billion.
  • Florida’s park and recreation industry generates nearly $2.6 billion in labor income.
  • Florida’s park and recreation industry has over 70,000 employees.
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FRPA represents 100% of the recreation and park industry in Florida.

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FRPA is the second-largest park and recreation association in the nation.

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Out of FRPA’s 1,500+ members,
70% are in a management role.

Our Survey Results Are In!

A recent readership survey of the FRPA Journal, Covering the Bases, and FRPA’s Membership Directory revealed essential and relevant findings that capture the opinions of our readers and the decision-makers throughout Florida’s parks and recreation industry.

The FRPA Journal is a valuable asset to your FRPA membership, as it provides an indepth look at key topics and innovations in the industry, and a review of important trends that effect all park and recreation professionals. Robert Chenier, MAEL, CPRE Project Manager Port St. Lucie Parks & Recreation
Robert Chenier
MAEL, CPRE Project Manager Port St. Lucie Parks & Recreation
I find FRPA Journal to be a great tool to stay on top of legislative news. I also find it to be very useful when I need access to an FRPA Sponsor/Vendor and also to network with local colleagues.
Ernie Ramos
City of North Miami Parks & Recreation

Opportunities Available in Print and Online

FRPA Member Directory

FRPA Journal

Covering the Bases eNewsletter

FRPA Website Advertising

Start Connecting with 100% of the Recreation and Park Industry in Florida!