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AGC Houston helps you reach your target market.
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About AGC Houston

For nearly 100 years, AGC Houston has been supporting local commercial construction through the advancement of issues important to the industry. The chapter continues to be an industry leader in education and professional development, safety training, market data resourcing and member networking.

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Our members spend approximately $6.9 billion annually on products and services.

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We represent 3 out of 4 contractors throughout the Houston area.

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Houston is the 2nd fastest growing MSA in the U.S., according to

Our media reaches:

  • General contractors
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Suppliers
  • Specialty contractors
  • and More!

AGC Houston Advertising Opportunities

Members’ Edge eNewsletter

Now more than ever, professionals consume information on the go. The Members’ Edge eNewsletter allows members to stay informed about timely industry topics and association news whether they are in the office or on the road.

Reach Top General Contractors in Houston's Construction Market