Exclusive Package Options
IEEE offers bundled packages to fit your marketing needs. Whether you need to connect with our members in print or online, our packages allow you to choose from IEEE Spectrum and mix & match with products from any of our other IEEE Societies.
Tier 3
- Bundle any opportunities within any 5 Societies across IEEE media along with Spectrum.
○ 7% off of the total Spectrum buy
○ 10% off of any other included society’s total
Tier 2
- Bundle any opportunities within any 4 Societies across IEEE media along with Spectrum.
○ 5% off of the total Spectrum buy
○ 10% off of any other included society’s total
Tier 1
- Bundle any opportunities within any 2 Societies across IEEE media along with Spectrum.
○ 3% off of the total Spectrum buy
○ 10% off of any other included society’s total
Mix & Match Products with Spectrum
& Any IEEE Society
- Power & Energy Society
- Aerospace and Electronics Society
- Antennas and Propagation Society
- Circuits and Systems Society
- Computational Intelligence Society
- Consumer Technology Society
- Collabratec (MGA)
- Control Systems Society
- Design and Test Society
- Electrical Insulation Society
- Electron Devices Society
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
- Geoscience and Remote Society
- Industry Application Society
- Industrial Electronics Society
- Intelligent Transportation Society
- NANO Technology Society
- Photonics Society
- Potentials Society
- Robotics and Automation Society
- Signal Processing Society
- Student Program Sponsorships (MGA)
- Systems, Man & Cybernetics
- IEEE SSIT (Technology and Society)
- Vehicular Technology Society
- IEEE Women in Engineering
- IEEE Communications Society
- IEEE Instrumental and Measurement Society
- IEEE Educational Activities Society