IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine covers design, development, measurement, testing and analysis of antennas, propagation and sensing applications and systems. IEEE A&P Magazine is the flagship publication of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, a global community of leading innovators who explore how technology drives industry and impacts modern society and business – both today and tomorrow.
Content Curated for the Antennas Audience
Read on IEEE Xplore.
Frequency: Bimonthly
63% of A&P Members are in Engineering & Engineering Management Roles.
More than 1/5 of which are in Senior Management Positions.
79% of readers have 10+ years' experience in their profession.
The highly-engaged Antennas & Propagation Audience is the most effective way to reach the largest concentration of high-tech professionals in the field!
Antennas & Propagation Society Field of Interest
The field of interest of the AP-S encompasses: antennas, including analysis, design, development, measurement, and testing; radiation, propagation, and the interaction of electromagnetic waves with discrete and continuous media; and applications and systems pertinent to antennas, propagation, and sensing, such as applied optics, millimeter- and sub-millimeter-wave techniques, antenna signal processing and control, radio astronomy, and propagation and radiation aspects of terrestrial and space-based communication, including wireless, mobile, satellite, and telecommunications.