IEEE Collabratec Display Advertising
Advertising on IEEE Collabratec is a great way to reach IEEE member and non-member users and reinforce your marketing message. The professionals we represent are a highly sought after technical audience, comprised of both IEEE Members and IEEE Collabratec registrants. IEEE Members must use Collabratec to access members only features including the IEEE member directory, IEEE Certificates, Section Gateways and Collaborative workspaces.
IEEE Collabratec communities are centered around leading and emerging technologies including: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, CyberEthics and CyberPeace, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Smart Grid, Blockchain, Transportation Electrification, Technology and Engineering Management.
Whether you’re seeking to target a specific audience, or to the diverse group of all Collabratec users, your advertising will reach a qualified and engaged group! Activity on Collabratec among student members and Young Professionals is high, we have the best and brightest students – future technology leaders on Collabratec. To foster growth and networking, we offer a mentorship program where mentors and mentees match, and work together. Additionally, our members are able to gain international perspectives within the industry thanks to our regional communities in the Middle East, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and local IEEE Sections.
The platform allows industry members to publicize their work, to network, to expand their perspectives through easy communication and intellectual conversation, to discover events, to find the latest technical content relevant to their industry, and so much more. Advertising on offers several cost-effective opportunities to position your company as a leader in front of an influential group of industry professionals.