Reach a Global Network!
Reach the largest concentration of woman in science, technology, mathematics and engineering fields in the world.
About WIE:
IEEE WIE is one of the world’s leaders in changing the face of engineering. Our global network connects 32,000+ members in over 125 countries to advance women in technology at all points in their lives and careers. IEEE WIE members make lifelong friendships, acquire influential mentors, and make a difference for the benefit of humanity.
The Women in Engineering Audience:
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is one of the largest international professional organizations dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering.
The mission of IEEE WIE is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally.
Why Advertise with IEEE WIE?
- Increased Visibility: Sponsoring IEEE WIE offers unparalleled brand exposure to a diverse and influential audience in the engineering and technology sectors.
- Targeted Outreach: Our publications and digital platforms are the perfect channels for advertisers to reach a niche market of professionals deeply invested in the STEM fields.
- Corporate Responsibility: Aligning with IEEE WIE demonstrates a commitment to diversity and the support of women in technology, resonating with values that are increasingly important to consumers and employees alike.
- Networking and Collaboration: Gain access to a vast pool of talent and potential partnerships through our events and initiatives, fostering collaboration and innovation.
- Recruitment Opportunities: Connect with highly qualified professionals and leverage our resources to fulfill your talent acquisition strategies.
- Community Impact: Play a pivotal role in empowering the next generation of women in engineering, contributing to a culture of inclusivity and equality in the industry.
Our Reach Counts:
Professionals rely on IEEE Women in Engineering for work-related information and solutions. They work at the companies you want to reach.
- Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Qualcomm Inc.
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Medtronic, Inc.
- ABB Inc.
- Microsoft Corp.
- Hewlett-Packard Co.
- Raytheon Co.
- Google Inc.
- General Electric Co.
In Print and Online
Women in Engineering Magazine
Showcase your company to an influential group of industry professionals! Women in Engineering Magazine delivers powerful relationships that influence, inspire and endure. Don’t miss your chance to reach key decision-makers!
Women in Engineering Website:
Advertise to a global network of people who are engaged and interested in your product and service offerings.
WIE Exchange Newsletter
Place your advertising among the latest WIE news and member content: Women in Engineering members are active recipients of the bi-monthly IEEE WIE Exchange newsletter, which contains reports on IEEE WIE and Affinity Group activities, IEEE news, and other relevant IEEE WIE information.
WIE Webinars
Sponsoring a Women in Engineering webinar is the perfect way to brand your company with thought-leaders and emerging industry products and services while directly engaging with the IEEE WIE Membership!