- Our membership encompasses all 159 Georgia counties and is represented by more than 810 county commissioners.
- Our constituency also includes 400 appointed county clerks, managers, administrators and attorneys, and over 80,000 full-time and part-time employees.
- We work on behalf of county officials and their communities by providing public policy and legislative advocacy, leadership development, civic and community engagement initiatives, insurance and retirement programs that specialize in local government needs and other cost saving programs.
Who You’ll Reach:
Our communications are distributed to the decision-makers in 100% of Georgia counties, including County Commissioners, County Managers, Administrators, County Attorneys, and Clerks. Georgia County Government is also mailed to the members of the Georgia Congressional Delegation, members of the Georgia General Assembly (180 House Members/56 Senators) and ACCG Partners. Archived issues of Georgia County Government and CountyLine are available at accg.org, ensuring a lasting online presence and repeated exposure.
95% percent of readers agree that the content in Georgia County Government magazine is relevant to their job.
More than 7 out of 10 survey respondents reported being involved in the purchasing process at their company.
Over half of respondents reported they are more likely to consider purchasing products/services from companies that advertise in an ACCG publication.
Two-thirds of the individuals surveyed reported taking action on an advertisement they saw in an ACCG publication.
*ACCG 2024 Readership Survey