In 2024, FP² celebrates its 32nd year of fighting for pavement preservation and recycling. Since 2007, FP² has published Pavement Preservation Journal, the only trade magazine in the United States, to focus EXCLUSIVELY on pavement preservation principles and practice.
Pavement Preservation Journal reaches county, city, state, and federal department of transportation (DOT) and related government road agencies. It’s also distributed to contractor members of AEMA, ARRA, ISSA, and IGGA, additional contractors, consulting engineers and academia.
Pavement Preservation Journal
Pavement Preservation Journal is the only trade magazine in the U.S. to focus EXCLUSIVELY on pavement preservation and recycling principles and practices.
Our publication reaches preservation contractors; county, city, state and federal transportation infrastructure agencies; and consulting civil engineers and academia. More importantly, it’s distributed to all contractor members of the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA), and International Grooving & Grinding Association (IGGA).
We hope you will join us in supporting our efforts in Pavement Preservation Journal!
Our contributors are always looking to work with the best products and services providers and are in the market for:
- Asphalt, Additives and Modifiers
- Asphalt Emulsions and Emulsifying Agents
- Equipment
- Pavement Preservation Materials and Supplies
- Pavement Management Software
- Testing
- And more!