Independent Agent E-Newsletters

Busy agents turn to our e-newsletters for even more trends, analysis and tools that help them sell more effectively. Delivered to the inboxes of 70,000 independent agents and brokers, each email contains a wealth of industry insight and expertise. 

Click-through Rates: Averages 13%

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Sent every Monday, this e-newsletter highlights sales strategies and market trends for a specific market each week.

Sent every Thursday, this member favorite provides a roundup of industry and association news, sales, marketing, operations strategies, and much more.

Sent the first Friday of every month, our Fast Focus e-newsletter features a link to the digital edition of the monthly print magazine, including top stories and most-read items from the issue. 

"We have had great success marketing through Independent Agent's Markets Pulse, New & Views, and other channels. We have yielded conversion rates that are above average and hitting our target market."
Elizabeth Hartman
Vice President of Marketing and Communications at Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies

Timely and trustworthy e-newsletters—reaching independent agents in the office, at home or anywhere.