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Gain unrivaled access to LSAE members through our Pictorial Roster.
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The Resource Online eNewsletter allows members to stay informed about timely industry topics and association news on the go.
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Reach Louisiana’s leading executive professionals with LSAE’s Resource Magazine.

About LSAE

The mission of the Louisiana Society of Association Executives is to provide and promote programs and services for members which enhance their ability to successfully manage associations with competence and integrity; to create an environment which facilitates fellowship and the exchange of information; and to enhance public understanding of the role of the professional association executive.

Our Members:

  • Association Executive Directors
  • Presidents and CEOs
  • Trade show planners
  • Association professionals
  • Independent meeting planners
  • Association management firms
  • Hotel industry representatives

Advertise and Reach:

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80% of LSAE members have saved or contacted an advertiser after seeing them in a LSAE publication.
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Nearly 1 in 3 LSAE members need 500 or more hotel rooms booked annually.
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75% of LSAE members spend more than 15 minutes reading LSAE's Resource magazine.

Opportunities Available in Print and Online

Resource Magazine

Available in print and digital, LSAE’s official biannual magazine keeps association executives informed and well-networked.

Pictorial Roster

Available in print and digital, this media formatting contains various potential sources of influence towards association members.

Resource Online eNewsletter

LSAE’s eNewsletter allows members to stay informed about timely industry topics and association news.

Sponsored Content eBlast

Establish your company as a thought leader by participating in our monthly eBlast opportunity. This exclusive opportunity is limited to one hotel/CVB and one solution provider per month.

Reach Louisiana's Leading Executive Professionals