Who We Are
We represent the food manufacturing industry in the Midwest United States. Our growing membership includes companies that produce fruits, vegetables, juices, meat, poultry, sauces, cheeses, snacks, nuts, seasonings and many more. MWFPA members consult the Membership Directory to find:
- Accounting, legal and financial services
- Agriculture equipment
- Canning and freezing implements
- Cleaning supplies
- Conveyors
- Drying Systems
- Engineers and builders
- Food processing machinery
- Food Safety
- Freezers
- Graders
- Hardware & software
- Insurance
- Labeling
- Logistics
- Lubricants
- Motors
- Packaging
- Professional services
- Pumps
- Sanitation products
- Seeds
- Sorting Equipment
- Spreaders
- Tanks
- Tracking & sourcing
- Warehousing
- Water & wastewater treatment
- And more!
Advertise & Reach:
The food- manufacturing industry annual spending is over $5 billion.
We represent 95% of the canners and freezers in the Midwest.
Our members spend $1 billion annually on products and services.
Our processor members operate over 60 processing plants in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Opportunities Available in Print and Online
Membership Directory & Buyers’ Guide
Showcase your company to an influential group of food-manufacturing industry professionals! In addition to MWFPA members, the Membership Directory & Buyers’ Guide is distributed to outside food, agriculture, and safety associations throughout the U.S and Canada. MWFPA’s annual publication reaches key decision-makers such as CEOs, managers, and directors of food manufacturing companies.