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Reach members in one of the largest guidance teacher-counsellor associations in Canada!
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OSCA/ACOSO: The Connection

The Ontario School Counsellors’ Association provides professional leadership, support,  advocacy and resources to school counsellors,  educators, educational stakeholders, parents and students. We are one of the largest guidance teacher-counsellor associations in Canada and our membership includes:

  • Guidance Teacher-Counsellors
  • Career Counsellors
  • Directors of Education
  • Ministry of Education Officials
  • Presidents of Counselling Organizations

OSCA/ACOSO: The Audience

We are one of the largest guidance teacher-counsellor associations in Canada.
Ontario guidance teacher-counsellors oversee the educational development of more than 1.4 million elementary students and 700,000 secondary school students.
Our membership includes school guidance teacher-counsellors from across Ontario, Canada and around the world.

Media Menu

OSCA Today Magazine

OSCA’s tri-annual magazine offers an in-depth look at important industry trends, and is available in both print and digital. Each issue of the magazine is emailed to readers and posted on the OSCA website. Website Advertising

The official website of OSCA/ACOSO provides important information on industry resources and tools, relevant events, and important association news.

OSCA News eNewsletter


OSCA/ACOSO’s eNewsletter is delivered to more than 800 members in Ontario every week which allows members to stay informed about timely industry topics and association news whether they are in the office or on the go. 

Website Retargeting

Our website retargeting will help carry your message across the web as visitors leave our site. Start spreading the word about your latest product and services today!

OSCA's media program reaches 100% of our members, who include guidance teacher-counsellors in elementary and secondary, public, Catholic, and private schools across Ontario. Publications also reach Ministry of Education representatives, liaison personnel, and registrars from Ontario's universities and public and private colleges.