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Advertise with NAHMA and reach leaders in affordable housing!

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Reach CEOs, presidents, executive directors, vice presidents, and more!

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NAHMA’s membership represents 75% of the affordable housing industry.


The National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA) is the voice of the affordable housing management industry. Members rely on NAHMA for representation in Washington, D.C., invaluable professional education, information, networking, and opportunities for one-on-one dialogue with the federal and state agencies that impact the industry. NAHMA’s mission is to support legislative and regulatory policy that promotes the development and preservation of decent and safe affordable housing. NAHMA serves as a vital resource for technical education and information, fosters strategic relations between government and industry, and recognizes those who exemplify the best in affordable housing.

Advocacy Work

  • Providing continued pandemic relief and recovery through emergency rental assistance programs and operational assistance to individuals, families, and housing providers.
  • Ensuring robust annual funding for federal multifamily housing programs, including increased investments in rental assistance, new construction, community development, and tenant supportive services programs.
  • Enhancing and expanding the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC).
  • Ensuring preservation of the USDA-RHS affordable rental housing portfolio.
  • Reducing federal regulatory burden.


  • NAHMA represents 75% of the entire affordable housing industry.
  • 90% of NAHMA members are in an executive or decision-making role.
  • NAHMA’s membership base includes CEOs, presidents, executive directors, partners, executive and senior vice presidents, vice presidents, board members, program directors and managers.
  •  NAHMA members have been employed in the affordable housing industry for an average of 14 years.
  • Companies of NAHMA members average $57 million in revenue.
  • Departments NAHMA members are part of have an average operating budget of $2 million.

National Affordable Housing Management Association Career Center: Employers

Your organization may have a team of 3, 30, or 300. Regardless of staff size, your success begins with the people you hire. Once you’ve assembled the right team, smart talent management means tapping their full potential to drive your organization toward its goals.

The talent is out there. We’ll help you find it and keep it. Use these resources when it’s time to recruit and as you manage your staff to achieve high employee engagement, satisfaction, and performance.

Are you ready to take your influence to the next level? Ask us about custom packaging options and industry-specific campaigns to boost your presence in print and online.