The NASBP Digital Surety Bond Quarterly Eblast is an exclusive opportunity, an email will reach all Surety Bond Quarterly readers making them aware of the latest available issue.
Enjoy the benefits of this opportunity:
Exclusive ad space
Delivers your message directly to the inboxes of decision-makers
Forwarded to other industry professionals for additional exposure
Directs visitors to the landing page of your choice
Sponsored Email (Exclusive Position)
Only one spot available – NO ROTATION
All advertisers will receive an invoice for the total amount, due upon activation.
Advertisements must be in JPG format (animation and Flash/SWF files are not accepted) and the total file size must not exceed 100kb. Contract advertisers may change their ad artwork once a month at no additional cost.
Advertisers will receive a campaign performance reports that detail monthly ad impressions and click-throughs on an as-requested basis.
When renewing online ads, priority and first right-of-refusal will be given to advertisers who commit to 12 months. All other companies will be renewed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Disclaimer: Please note that the mockup shows overall newsletter layout, but exact ad location on the newsletter will vary based on the amount of editorial content supplied each issue.
Rates are net. Reservation is on a first-come, first-served basis.