Welcome to the NASSP Media Guide
Connect with more than 16,000 school leaders, 31,000 school programs and its advisers, and 2 million students involved in NASSP leadership programs. Let us develop a custom package to enhance brand awareness and create quality leads for your organization today.
Advertise with NASSP and target a specific audience:

Elevate your brand and start connecting with principals, assistant principals, department heads, district supervisors, superintendents, and aspiring school leaders nationwide.

Reach representatives of the National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, National Elementary Honor Society, and the National Association of Student Councils.
Explore individual media channels below:
Digital & Print Channels
NASSP Website
This is a great way to reach and engage member and non-member visitors while strengthening your marketing message. Visitors come to the site to learn about upcoming association events, access the latest issues of Principal Leadership magazine, and discover valuable resources.School of Thought Blog
With content from school leaders, students, and teachers, the blog shows how emerging and innovative ideas in education are translated to the classroom and communities. Create and display your ideas and content alongside these education experts establishing yourself at the forefront of learning.
Sponsored Professional Development
NASSP provides live and on-demand professional learning for education leaders on the most pressing issues facing their schools and communities. This presents a unique opportunity to connect with a diverse audience of decision makers as they actively participate in these learning experiences
Principal’s Update
This newsletter is the primary resource for more than 20,650 middle school and high school principals around the U.S, providing school leaders with the latest news, content, and other education-related information to assist them in better leading their schools.
Honor Society News
Delivered monthly to 61,870+ NHS (National Honor Society) and NJHS (National Junior Honor Society) principals & advisers, this newsletter delivers updates on upcoming events, recognition opportunities, and content relevant to their role as a middle-level or high school principal or adviser to NASSP student programs.
NASC E-Bulletin
Delivered monthly to over 6,000 advisers for the National Association of Student Councils, this is the primary e-newsletter for new and existing student council advisers to receive the most relevant content and information to better lead their students.
Principal Leadership Magazine
Principal Leadership, published monthly September through May, focuses on school leaders’ real needs, offering them practical, hands-on strategies for improving their schools. This highly valued resource is distributed to more than 18,000 school and district level decision-makers on a monthly basis, providing them with concrete resources for their constantly evolving educational environment.
Student Programs’ Websites
Advertising on the National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, National Elementary Honor Society and the National Association of Student Councils websites keeps your company consistently visible to student leaders, educators, advisers and school leaders throughout the year. Maintaining visibility through these websites ensures that your company is top-of-mind when schools need a solution.
Events Channels
UNITED, the National Conference on School Leadership, a powerful partnership between the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) that gives you the ability to showcase your company to education leaders looking to purchase products and services like yours.
NASSP Career Center: Employers
NASSP’s Employer Resource Center helps you find talented educators to join your team. Connect with a diverse pool of qualified candidates dedicated to student success. Access tools and resources that simplify the hiring process and support a strong school community. Visit us today to make your recruitment and hiring process easy and efficient!