With content from school leaders, students, and teachers, the blog shows how emerging and innovative ideas in education are translated to the classroom and communities. Create and display your ideas and content alongside these education experts establishing yourself at the forefront of learning.
Sponsored Post Includes:
Blog post (750 words maximum)
Social media promotion of your blog post provided by NASSP tagging sponsor (please provide your company social media handle)
Ability to link to your website, resources, articles, etc.
Limited to (2) sponsored blog posts on each site per month
Content and Submission Guidelines
The below materials must be submitted 4 weeks in advance of the posting date.
Choose the audience: Students or School Leaders. (subject to availability)
A headline for the blog post (75 characters or less)
Blog post content (750 words maximum; closer to the 500-word range is ideal)
Copy must be sent in a word document .docx or .doc file
If images are submitted to include with the post, they must be sent as a .jpg or .gif file. Captions and photo credits must also be included
A short biography (1–2 sentences) that includes your current role and a brief synopsis of your experience
Feel free to hyperlink copy in your blog post to external articles or other documents online. If there is a document or video you want to link to that is not online, include the document as a .pdf file or the video as a .mp4 with your file submission
All content subject to NASSP copyediting and approval